Brabble is the answer to Instagram’s limitations
Though in it’s infancy, Brabble already shows great promise to be a viable alternative to Instagram.
Firstly, you aren’t limited to a square image format like Instagram. While I get the founder of Instagram has some sort of dangerous obsession with square images, that doesn’t mean your users should be limited to a square. Brabble addresses the issue of the square, and addresses it elegantly, allowing the user to tap on the image to see the original file presented in all it’s glory. I upload a lot of panoramas to Brabble and all one needs to do is tap to experience my work in greater detail.
Secondly, the video clip length is 45 seconds versus 15. You can present your story in greater detail with the extra allotted time. And in a proper 16:9 format as well. No square videos here. And I’m impressed by the audio quality - amazing for a smartphone app.
Thirdly, the commenting “brabbleback” system is very conversational as opposed to the mess of comments on IG. It’s already fostering a great sense of community amongst the users. It’s not a bunch of faceless spammers trolling for likes, it’s real conversation.
This review isn’t meant to be a lionization piece of Brabble by means of ripping Instagram. Don’t get me wrong, IG is great, but the app is essentially the same as it was in 2010. Brabble is what Instagram could be if they got out of their rut a little bit.
Brabble Fan? Yes. Find me on Brabble at pod_miami -
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